May 3, 2017 | Mountain Music Festival
When you think of camping at a music festival this summer, we bet that the first thought that comes to mind likely looks something like this Most music festivals pack hundreds of campers super close together in open fields (read: NO SHADE!), with limited access to...
Apr 21, 2017 | Mountain Music Festival
We’re getting close to that moment in June (41 days!), when Mountain Music Fest kicks off and as you sit at your desk at work hatin’ it, we’d like to take this opportunity to offer a few helpful suggestions on making your experience at Mountain Music Fest the best...
Apr 18, 2017 | Mountain Music Festival
Getting excited for your road trip to Mountain Music Festival this summer? Remember it is the journey that is the destination. Whether you are coming from the north, south, east or west there are plenty of cool things to see and do between wherever you may be reading...
Mar 14, 2017 | Mountain Music Festival
There is no shortage of fun activities to choose from this June at Mountain Music Festival in Wild & Wonderful, West Virginia. Whether you are looking for adrenaline pumping mountain adventures like whitewater rafting, zip lining to mountain biking or maybe...
Feb 22, 2017 | Mountain Music Festival
So who wants to wait until June to reunite the Mountain Music Festival family?? We sure don’t!! That’s why we are going on the road this spring to make some noise and have some fun in your backyard. We are planning a series of festival pre-parties in various cities...
Feb 21, 2017 | Mountain Music Festival
There is a ton of buzz around Big Something’s new album, Tumbleweed, set to drop this Friday 2/24. We have been on the Big Something bandwagon for the last four years since we started Mountain Music Festival in 2014. Each and every year we try to do something...