The M.F.B.

Over the last five years, THE M.F.B. have laid waste to the music landscape with grooves so contagious and an over-the-top stage show that has left audiences mesmerized and funkified. Equal parts funk musicianship and excessive funk party madness, lead vocalist Parry Casto, bassist Stephen Harper, drummer Alex McCoy, trumpeter Christian Tanzey, keyboardist/guitarist Randy Gilkey, saxophonist Chris Clark, percussionist Brad Kinder, and guitarist Andrew Winter unleash a unique brand of raucous party funk to any neighborhood they frequent.
As THE M.F.B.’s leader of perpetual motion Casto, aka “Funkle Sam”, combines the theatrics of Freddie Mercury, the eccentricity of Frank Zappa, and dancing prowess of James Brown. What separates this band from others is the frenetic explosion of unending energy that exudes from a live performance from THE M.F.B.. A hedonistic crescendo of raw energy and musicianship of THE M.F.B.’s shows spill from stage to dance floor to cultivate impromptu conga lines, dance competitions, and an intense funky insanity that marks the band as insatiable for good times. THE M.F.B.’s shows are expectation-defying experiences ushered in by a whirlwind of funk, deft thrusting, and subtle innuendo, that broadens smiles and brings the crowds to anxiously await the opportunity to dance right back for the next show.